| 1. | " and what is fifty miles of good road “只要道路方便,五十英里能算远吗? |
| 2. | It ' s a pleasure to go over a good road in an automobile 在好的道路上乘车行驶是一种乐趣。 |
| 3. | " today there are cars , good roads , radios , and television sets . "今天,有汽车,良好的道路,有收音机和电视机。 |
| 4. | He went on to explain , “ … the towns of heng and juan have good road connections … …横、卷二邑四通八达,是魏国钻荼将军屯驻重兵、布阵设防的地方。 |
| 5. | We are a good road team , looking forward to seeing us shooting much better in utah 我们是一支擅长打客场的球队,希望在犹他我们的投篮命中率能大大提高。 |
| 6. | Cold was farad in an out of the way village in the mountains , and soon a good road and airfield were built 在一个偏僻的小山村发现了金子,很快一条好的公路和飞机场建造起来。 |
| 7. | The traditional route to its base camp goes from skardu , which is linked with islamabad by a good road 伊斯兰堡和斯卡都(巴基斯坦巴尔蒂斯坦首府)之间有条路况良好的大路相连接,因此通往大本营的传统路线都是从斯卡都起程的。 |
| 8. | He is a little out of cash just now . however , he has taken a very good road to bring himself home again , for we pay him very handsomely 他目前手头有点拮据,不过他已经有办法使自己的经济情况好转,因为我们给他的报酬很高。 |
| 9. | By continually leap to escape the ghosts , look for good roads is the key , to know that some roads will be taken after the disappearance , oh really no going back 通过不断地跳跃逃出这个鬼地方,找好道路是关键,要知道有些道路走过之后就会消失,真的没有回头路哦。 |
| 10. | Yet the policy prescriptions are simple and proven : enforced speed limits , helmet laws for those on two wheels , good road design and more driving tests 政府预防车祸的政策虽简单但行之有效:如强制性的限速,骑乘两轮驱动车时要佩戴头盔,更合理的道路设计和理多的驾驶测试等等。 |